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Why Use Us


"Increased Workcover Claims and Premiums"

"Lost Time Injuries"

"Poor Workplace Culture"

"Decreased Productivity"

"Ageing Workforce"



The Health and Well-being of the Workplace is an important part of productivity and financial burden.


Musculoskeletal injuries are quite prevalent in the workplace. Companies, with large manual handling workforces especially, are more at risk to develop these injuries. Incorrect manual handling techniques are often a primary reason as to the cause of musculoskeletal injuries.


Injuries add financial and administration strain to companies and their respective OH&S departments. Employee absenteeism plays a big role and Workcover claims often rise.


Hence, there is a growing need to promote healthy living and prevent injuries in the workforce.


Health & Injury Prevention Australia (HIPA) assist in reducing musculoskeletal injuries in the workplace.


At HIPA, we utilise the most up to date research and best practice models to provide tailored injury management solutions, specific to your organisation.